Milford Sound



Are there sharks in Milford Sound?

Are there sharks in Milford Sound?

Milford Sound, renowned for its breathtaking beauty and rich marine ecosystem, often sparks curiosity about the presence of sharks in its waters. While Milford Sound is home to a variety of marine life, including seals, dolphins, and penguins, the likelihood of encountering sharks in this fiord is relatively low.

The waters of Milford Sound are predominantly inhabited by species such as New Zealand fur seals, who find refuge along the rocky shoreline and occasionally swim in the fiord. Dolphins are also frequent visitors, delighting onlookers with their playful antics. The occasional glimpse of a Fiordland crested penguin waddling onshore adds to the charm of this remarkable place.

However, the chances of spotting sharks in Milford Sound are rare. The fiord’s unique geography, characterised by deep, narrow channels and low salinity levels, creates an environment less suitable for many shark species. The majority of sharks prefer open ocean habitats and deeper waters, away from the sheltered fiords.

That being said, it’s important to remember that the marine world is diverse and ever-changing. While the likelihood of encountering sharks in Milford Sound is minimal, it’s always prudent to exercise caution and follow any safety guidelines or regulations provided by cruise operators or local authorities.

Exploring the underwater world of Milford Sound reveals a different kind of beauty. The pristine waters teem with various fish species, colorful sponges, and intriguing marine plants. Snorkeling or diving enthusiasts can enjoy the chance to observe this rich biodiversity up close and immerse themselves in the tranquility of this captivating marine environment.

While the presence of sharks in Milford Sound is rare, the fiord offers a captivating array of marine life to discover. Enjoy the opportunity to witness seals, dolphins, and penguins in their natural habitat and immerse yourself in the underwater wonders that await in this stunning natural wonder.


Milford Sound